S1000D Benefits
The S1000D benefits are evident across various areas of the business. Detailed here are the three major areas of benefit. Realization of these and other S1000D benefits will depend on the project, its implementation strategy, and technology available to the project team.
Common benefits may include:
Data Planning and Management Benefits
- Interoperability at data level, through use of “accepted industry” schemas.
- Based on International standard ISO 8879 (SGML/XML content).
- Ease of data exchange, smaller more reusable chunks of information (data modules).
- Common information can be identified and used across projects.
- Can be linked with source data such as Logistics Support Analysis Requirements (LSAR), which can be used to enhance an integrated data environment.
- Increase in data integrity and the generation of better quality documents, through data integration with other systems / business units.
- The specification permits the addition of extra documentation features such as Link mechanisms, allowing the project team to decide the level of end user experience.
- The data module level objects allow for non-linear mode of data access, as opposed to a linear mode as in case of paper delivery.
Authoring Benefits
- The focus for an author is on the content and not the formatting, thereby reducing authoring time.
- Due to the data modules being so modular, content can be re-used across publications by up to 40%.
- Reductions in update costs by 30%, due to data module content re-use.
- Module Uniqueness (Task /Description) allows task orientated definition.
- Compliant/ Competing Authoring tools available with multiple vendors supporting the specification. Allows seamless migration from one vendor to another.
- When utilizing a CSDB, S1000D provides an easy roll-back to previous versions of content.
Delivery Cost Benefits
- Non-proprietary means of data delivery to any S1000D CSDB.
- Reduced creation costs due to data re-use (see above).
- Output errors only need to be fixed once.
- Data can be unpublished for temporary or permanent removal from delivery.
- Lower overall costs, due to CSDB warehousing capability and multiple methods of format/ delivery available from a single source.
- Increase in data integrity and integration with other systems / business units.
- Easy filtering of information, e.g. search and retrieval by applicable model, or through the use of metadata and content while searching.